title: "Nathan Genetzky's Resume"
subtitle: "Software and Hardware"
author: "Nathan Genetzky"
date: "2024-01-04"

## Career Profile

- Electrical Engineer graduate with honors distinction.
- Worked as independent contractor twice during college.
- Experience working as software engineer for two years during college.
- Learned Android, Python, Git and Linux command line tools from on-line tutorials/videos.

## Contact

- [nathan@genetzky.us](mailto: nathan@genetzky.us)
- [academic.genetzky.us](http://academic.genetzky.us)
- [linkedin.com/in/genetzky](https://www.linkedin.com/in/genetzky)
- [github.com/NGenetzky](https://github.com/NGenetzky)
- [twitter.com/ngenetzky](https://twitter.com/NGenetzky)
- [keybase.io/ngenetzky](https://keybase.io/ngenetzky)

## Experiences
#### Senior Software Engineer

ESW Team at Appareo Systems (12.2021 - PRESENT)

- Performed board bring-up for custom PCB with heterogeneous SOC (IMX8DXL).
- Integrated drivers for cellular modems, WiFi, and bluetooth.
- Setup dockerized Jenkins with both manual and GitOps centric builds.
- Utilized Gitflow including automated build and deployment of releases.
- Developed and utilized HIL testing with Labgrid on RPI4.
- Generated SDKs and docker images for quick cross-compilation of C++ Applications.

#### Software Engineer 1

System Team at Vaddio (05.2017 - 12.2021)

- Working with FPGA and python developers to create an integrated embedded
system that routes audio and video signals in professionally built AV systems.
- I help to build a custom Linux distribution from the '/' up with the Yocto Project.
- Our team uses many other tools during development such as Jenkins,  Jira,
  Git, Bitbake, and Puppet.

#### Software Engineer

Dojo Five (11.2018 - 12.2021)

- Develop embedded software for Particle, Nordic, and STM32 microcontrollers
- Utilized custom hardware with the Particle platform for a custom door access solution
- Developed with NRF52 SDK to create devices in a complex robotic system with BLE services

#### Student Intern

Hardware Design at Daktronics (05.2016 - 05.2017)

- Developed C++ code for communication with I2C sensors from a Linux system.
- Developed a C++ library that simplifies usage of librrd, a C library for
creating, updating, and using RRDs (Round Robin Databases).
- Used Test Driven Development to implement library, used CxxTest Framework.

## Projects

#### Hardware Integrated Prototyping Environment at SDSU Engineering Expo

- Nathan Genetzky, Jordan Ulmer, Tanner Johnson (SDSU, 2017)
- [http://academic.genetzky.us/project/sdsu/2017-hipe/]()

#### Design and Verification of a SPI to JTAG Interface Adapter

- Nathan Genetzky, Jordan Ulmer (SDSU, 2017)
- [http://academic.genetzky.us/publication/sdsu/2017-05-05-ee492-spi2jtag/]()

#### Interactive User Interface with PIC18 Microcontroller

- Nathan Genetzky, Drake Jeno (SDSU, 2017)
- [http://academic.genetzky.us/publication/sdsu/2015-05-01-ee347-interative-ui-with-pic-microcontroller/]()

#### Particle Projects

- Firmware for micro controllers sold by particle.io for use with wifi or cellular cloud devices.
- [http://academic.genetzky.us/project/particle-projects/]()

### Skills & Proficiency

- Yocto (Build System, Embedded Distro, BSP Support) (90%)
- Developer Tools (Docker, Jenkins, Git) (85%)
- Terminal Workflow (Vim, GNU tools, shell scripting) (85%)
- Linux Kernel (Drivers, Config, BSP) (55%)
- Python Middleware (DBus, REST, GObject, threading) (35%)
- FPGA Development (SW Interface, Reusable Verilog, Automated Builds) (25%)

### Education

##### BS Electrical Engineering

South Dakota State University (2012 - 2017)

##### Minor Software Engineering

South Dakota State University (2012 - 2017)

### Lauguages

- Bash (~7 years)
- Python (~5 years)
- Cpp (~6 years)
- C (~4 year)
- Dockerfile (~2 year)
- Java for Android (~1 year)

### Interests

- hobby-electronics, home automation, embedded-linux
- ice and rock climbing
- snowboarding and skiing
- gardening, cooking
- jetsking, boating, water skiing
- camping, kayaking, volleyball